stare / room


Julie Flohr, Michael Starmayr, Katharina Zanon



Käse- Festival, Linz

30 min


Spare / room standing staring shift the attention from „outside“, a street scene to „inside“, an event space. Separating the starers and the beer-drinking festival visitors inside the event space from each other are the huge shop windows that offer no protection from piercing gazes.




Lina Suenaert, Katharina Zanon




4 h


„Is there a problem, are you okay?“


„The foreigners know how to play (in the meaning of to hang out)!“








In big cities, Chinese people use the pyjama like Europeans use their sportswear. It is common especially for young people to go outside in their best pyjamas for shopping or even to have lunch and dinner in restaurants. Buying extra warm pyjamas for the approaching winter, Suenaert and Zanon are showing their hangover faces without losing them.


I couldn´t begin to imagine why any dog would have to go around sniffing flowers on a rainy day. ―Haruki Murakami, Norwegian Wood
I couldn’t begin to imagine why any dog would have to go around sniffing flowers on a rainy day. ―Haruki Murakami, Norwegian Wood



photos by Nicolas Contreras

Lost Highway To Hellight, video


Nicolas Contreras, Katharina Zanon



video HD

16:44 min, sound, colour



Two alien artists are construction workers on a half- finished highway.

The highway, facing the village Hong`Anwei was built up to the middle of the Zhujiang river four years ago and has for financial reasons not been finished until now.

Two streets on the bridge look clean and empty. They seem to be perfectly prepared for cars. The artist`s expeditions lead them inside the two underground tunnels that run parallel to the streets. The tunnel entrances are visible for both the workers inside the tunnels and the people outside living in the village. The villagers work as fishermen in the Zhujiang river or as construction workers, who were also involved in building the highway.

Inside the construction tunnels the artists find tools, objects and working clothes that show past working activities. They collect and store them in the area close to the tunnel entrances. Two borders are being raised during the early morning hours, while fishermen are preparing their boats for work and are attentively watching the activities going on in the abandoned highway. The artists wear the worker´s clothes and use the objects they found inside. Only the silhouettes of their with dust masks hidden faces are visible, in the focus is the nebulous village that faces the tunnel exit. One piece after the other, the artists are using metal sticks, wooden panels, cans, brooms and wires to cover the entrances.

The barriers are being raised without concept, the artists have no idea what the outcome might be or if their work is ever gonna be finished. In the same area where workers would continue to build the highway, Contreras and Zanon are marking the area as not legally accessible.

The two Chinese characters forming the word „bridge” are modified and connected. Seen as an image they resemble the half-constructed highway. Contreras and Zanon see themselves as alien, arriving from a different solar system and bumping into the dystopian remains of a policy that is not connected to the needs of planetary inhabitants.




Michael Starmayr, Katharina Zanon



Käse- Zentrale, Linz

70 min


Next to a busy street in the center of Linz Starmayr and Zanon take a nap in a bed which they carried from the opposite side of the city. The noise of the honking cars and the hurry of approaching passengers are more intense for the artists, as visual inputs are missing. Still pretending to be asleep, Starmayr and Zanon are being painted, kissed and photographed by viewers. The provoking element of the stubborn non-reacting is shown vividly when two policemen arrive and try to force the artists to wake up by shaking them and opening their eyelids. No reaction makes them try to search for information about the person in charge of this situation in the surroundings of the sleepers.






Michael Starmayr, Katharina Zanon



Temporäre Halle für Kunst, Linz

3 h


Starmayr and Zanon pretend to be asleep during the opening of the student’s exhibition in the temporary artspace in Linz. The bed is put between entrance and artspace and used as a border. Two legs are outside, the other two are inside the exhibition space. Will the staff put the sleepers aside to ease the exit and entrance for the visitors? If yes, are they gonna be transported inside the exhibition space next to the unbreathing artworks or are they gonna be put outside on the patio?

During the opening speech which is held inside the artspace, Starmayr and Zanon transport the bed to the entrance without being spotted by most of the visitors and go to sleep immediately. There is no way to escape the exhibition without crossing the bed. Either the visitors step over the legs of the sleepers, carefully trying to not disturb them, or they roll over them, jump over the bed using the wooden construction or even find a way crawling through the small gap under the bed. Over and over the visitors try to provoke reactions of the two artists without being successful. Three hours later when the opening is finished, the bed is being transported into the exhibition space when the stuff is cleaning the area and closing the doors.